Owen made a lot of forward momentum this week. It started last Saturday when he let Richard buy him a new helmet and they went out biking for the first time. That was a huge step for Owen, and he did really well on the bike and had a lot of fun. Sunday, he talked to our neighbors, Owen and Ruth, for the first time. He was making pretend butter, and he even brought them samples. Previously he'd hide behind us while we talked to them.
On Monday he talked to some contractors that were at our house- he told them how old he was, and showed them his favorite animals and toys. And one night this week, Owen didn't fall asleep until after we were ready to go to bed, so he came in and tucked us each in bed, then turned out our light and went to his own room and fell asleep. He tucked himself in for his nap today. Our shy little boy is really growing up (he's 40" tall now!) and growing more comfortable with everything.