Monday, March 30, 2015

around corvallis

Goofing off on a nice weekend day at Chip Ross Park.

Sunday, March 29, 2015

weekend at the coast

 The Cub Scout Pack participated in the annual SOLVE beach cleanup, so we decided to wrap a weekend at the coast around it.

We located and briefly explored the D River- the worlds shortest river (highly contested and dropped from the World's Records listing, but still interesting for those in our family geographically curious).   Richard and the boys found lots of good coastal trash to clean up on our appointed beach.  I didn't find as much but I may have been a bit distracted enjoying the moderate weather and relaxing walk on the sand.

We decided to take our first whale watching trip out of Newport.  We lucked out with great weather and calm seas.  We saw several whales out in the ocean, some reasonably close to the boat, and then saw a record number of sea lions in Newport harbor.  The boat put out a crab trap on the way out, and Ben enjoyed the catch on the way back to the dock, and had the opportunity to drive the boat.

Owen showed off his mad golf skills at the Salishan putting course, enhanced with some very serious golf poses.

Friday, March 27, 2015

little free library

For the Zion auction, for the 4th grade class, Cristie Warnock and I decided to submit a Little Library.  Phil Warnock volunteered to build the box, and then we enlisted the help of the class to decorate it.  Old kid's books and Modge Podge added personality, and lots of layers of Modge Podge and sealer spray hopefully will protect it from the weather.

The bidding wasn't as hot for the library as I was hoping for, but the good news is that I was the winning bid (I'm sure having Richard and I stalking the bidding sheet had nothing to do with us winning).   We are now the proud owners of a registered Little Free Library.  I've been enjoying collecting books, keeping the selections interesting, and seeing what folks leave for us.

Lots of libraries have been showing up in our neighborhood.  I hope we aren't just swapping around books but I suspect many are being read and enjoyed!

For more information on registering a Little Free Library, here is the website:

Sunday, March 22, 2015

wild turkeys in winter

Mixels, goofballs, rocket painting, reading, camping in hand made tents (that fall down during the night), and, yes, wild turkeys making for a tough commute.

Monday, March 16, 2015

pack 258

Richard became the Cub Master this year and organized many events for the scouts this winter and spring, as well as grew enrollment and engagement.  In January, a search and rescue volunteer came in to speak to the boys.  In February the boys participated in the annual Tree Planting Day.

March brought the annual Cub Scout's Pine Wood Derby.   Owen's entry this year was a billboard truck, promoting the pack.  He came up with the vision, and did most of the work on his car this year.

Ben decided he wanted a tree car.  Richard used branches from our apple tree and some creativity to fulfill the vision.

Owen's car was awarded "Best Scout Theme" and won several heats.  Ben's was awarded "Most Creative."