Owen finished school for the year and we got ready for the holidays. Richard and Owen made some chocolate mousse in preparation for Grandpa coming. Dad flew in Sunday night and watched Owen on Monday while we worked. They went to see Tangled and had a fun day.
Tuesday afternoon, work ended and we packed up the car and Susie and Laurel, and we all drove out to Bend for a 2 night excursion. Richard did great getting the chains on the car and driving through the snowy pass. Our hotel was empty and perfect for us, with a warm pool and an empty dining room for loud kids. We spend most of Wednesday at the High Desert Museum, enjoying all the animals and especially the live butterfly exhibit. Afterward, we found a kid friendly sledding hill downtown and Owen and Laurel took lots of runs. We drove back home Thursday after a long dip in the pool. Ben caught up on some of his sleep he missed on the previous nights in the car.
We tried something a little different this year for Christmas Eve- going over to the Muhly's at noon to open presents from each other and have an early dinner before the church services. They go to Todd's family on Christmas day, and this made for an easier day for them on Christmas. The kids had a blast opening their gifts- especially Ben- and we had a fun dinner.
We surprised the boys with Grandpa's gift earlier in the day- a new TV. Yes, we have entered the HD age. Dad replaced my 13 year old 22" TV with a 55" LED/LCD flatscreen that can also play in 3D. Besides being an amazing present, it also keeps Richard and my streak going- neither of us have ever purchased a television. Richard and Dad had picked it out from Costco earlier in the week, and both were a little nervous that it would be too big (things tend to look smaller with the high ceilings at Costco- we learned that when we brought home our 9' Christmas tree a couple of years ago) but it fits the room and is a great size for viewing. Owen and Dad watched a dinosaur movie in 3D yesterday, and both of them were jumping multiple times.
Owen did great at Mass, as usual. Ben was a bit more distracted, but enjoyed flirting with all the ladies who caught his eye in the cry room. They both loved the singing.
At the end of the day, Owen and Richard tracked Santa on NORAD, we put on our 2010 Christmas jammies, Grandpa read "Twas the Night Before Christmas", and we tucked in a couple of tired boys, both excited about Santa's visit.