Sunday, October 28, 2007

i've BEND to london

So all week we've told Owen that we are going to go to Bend this weekend, and he kept reciting the line "I've been to London to visit the Queen." (It's a line from a nursery rhyme.) We tried to understand why Owen thought Bend sounded like London, then we realized it was "been to".

Anyway, we went to Bend this weekend, on our annual Anniversary trip, this time bringing a miniature chaperon with us. It wasn't a romantic weekend, but a fun family get away. Bend is on the other side of the Cascades from Corvallis- about a 2.5 or 3 hour drive. We saw Tumalo Falls, went to a great museum, drove up Pilot Butte, and walked around town. Owen said that his favorite part was the waterfall, though I suspect he also liked sleeping in a King bed together and watching TV in bed. The weather was crisp all weekend- a little too chilly this morning but perfect fall temperatures the rest of the time.

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