Sunday, February 17, 2008

PTW, part 4: Christmas in Vermont

Sunday, 7:00. The score is 4 to 3. The potty is still winning, but the floor is gaining ground. Hopefully we will end the day still ahead.

We flew to Vermont to spend Christmas with Richard's family. There was some snow on the ground when we came, which melted and then was replaced. Owen is not fond of snow yet- Richard made him a snowman, but Owen thinks snow is "too cold." Smart kid.

We spent Christmas Eve at Roger and Ivonne's house, Christmas at Richard's Mom's, then several nice afternoons and evening's at Thomas and Kathy's farmhouse- which looked beautiful for the season. Kathy's son was home from college, and it was nice to get to meet him and spend more time with Taylor. Taylor was pretty good at air hockey, but Ivonne's sister turned out to be a pool shark. Who knew?
Hint- click on the picture of Steve sledding, to see a close-up of his expression...

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