Last weekend we celebrated Owen's third birthday. With the work going on at our house, we didn't want to do anything too big. On Saturday, Owen had his two friends Andrew and Conner and their mom's over for playing and eating cupcakes. We gave him his first present before they came- a turtle sandbox- so that everyone could play with it. On Sunday we opened presents in the morning and played with them all day. We gave him a cement mixer and an excavator for his sandbox. From our families he was given lots of games, a new bear, some new clothes, a kid size digital camera, and lots of fun toys. We had our 3rd annual spaghetti and meatball birthday dinner, and then Laurel and Valerie's families came over for cake and ice cream. Later, Ken and Laura came over with Madeline and their newly adopted daughter Amelia- they had just gotten home from China earlier that week. All the kids took turns on Owen's new "sit and spin". It was a treat to have everyone over, and Owen had a wonderful time.
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