Some recent pictures of little Ben. He's smiling now, if you get really close to him and talk in a high voice. Hard to get a picture of it yet, but I'm working on it. Grandma Sally sent him a rocking elephant- Ben will grow into it- Owen thinks it's grand.
Owen has been working on phonics and writing letters. He is sounding out things, and I am realizing just how silly the English language is- with soft and hard C's and C's vs K's and all that. No wonder I'm a miserable speller. Owen wrote on these two Valentine's day cards for me- you can pretty clearly make out "BEN" on one and "LOVE" on the other. He's done some good Owen's before. At school, a new teacher has been using a lot of sign language, so Owen's now making up lots of signs, as well as showing us some correct ones. He's also learning about rhyming and has picked up a habit either from Ned Flanders or Winnie the Pooh- he ends sentences with a rhyming "diddly." For example "Hi, Dad, diddly-ad," or "Oh no, diddly-o."
We went to Eugene today to go to the Science Factory- a small science museum that also has a Planetarium. We went there a year ago- Owen loved the museum, but was terrified of the Planetarium- he is scared of movie theaters, after a failed attempt to watch Ratatouille in Bend a long time ago. So we thought we'd try again, particularly since Owen loves the planets (can name them in order, and tell you lots of factoids about them) and this show was geared towards small children. With protest and tears, we convinced Owen to get into the Planetarium. He sat calmly in Richard's arms until the presenter woman said "it is going to be VERY dark in here"- Owen screamed at the top of his lungs and ran for the door. Complete freak out. Oh well. We will try again next year. We had an enjoyable rest of the afternoon- lunch and a visit to the Natural History museum at U of O campus. The posts below are from my cell phone from today.
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