Ben's enjoying the exer-saucer and is now able to consistently grab toys. He's been grabbing mostly with his left hand... could there be another south-paw in the family? Ben seemed to find his feet this weekend and is pleased with them.
A story about Owen in 3 parts:
1) About a month ago: Owen stands in front of my car as I put Ben's carseat in. Owen very excitedly notices something on my hood: Mom! What's that?
Me: Bird poop.
Owen: Are you sure? Maybe something from outer space came down and left that on your car!
Me: Maybe.
2) About a week later. Owen stands in front of my car as I put Ben's carseat in. Owen very excitedly notices something on my hood: Mom! The bird poop is gone! Why??
Me: It's been raining all week.
Owen: Maybe a butterfly came and ate up the bird poop.
Me: Maybe.
3) Today. In the parking lot Owen notices a car: Mom! Another Volvo!
Me: Yep. That one is even older than mom's. Do you like that Volvo or mom's Volvo better?
Owen: I like yours better.
Me: Thanks, O.
Owen: Yours had bird poop on it, and I like bird poop.
Grandpa came out for the week of Easter and we all had a very fun visit. The Easter Bunny and Grandma Sally filled baskets for the boys with new books, airplanes, and stuffed toys. Both boys got sick during the week, so we spent most of the time at home and at the doctor's office (during Ben's trip to the doctor, we found out that he's passed the 17 pound mark). My dad also helped get our house ready for the Corvallis Home Tour taking place in 2 weeks.
It seems that spring has come to Corvallis. We were noticing on Friday that it wasn't as warm this year for Laurel's birthday as it was last year. But on Saturday the temperatures were in the 60's, and today it was in the 70's. Owen and Richard made it to 4 parks today. Ben and I joined them for a walk through Ball Hill Farms.
We celebrated Laurel's 3rd birthday at the bouncy place (actual name: Wacky Indoor Bounce). Susie planned a fun party there, with a few hours of playing on the big inflatable toys followed by pizza. Parents get to play, too. Ben tried out an exer-saucer for the first time, with some instruction from the birthday girl. Ben is sporting a tie-dye; being a native Oregonian he tends to be a little bit liberal.
Today was Laurel's 3 year birthday, and Ben's 3 month birthday. We walked over to the Muhly's for dinner and cupcakes. Tomorrow is her party at the bouncy place.