Ben's enjoying the exer-saucer and is now able to consistently grab toys. He's been grabbing mostly with his left hand... could there be another south-paw in the family? Ben seemed to find his feet this weekend and is pleased with them.
A story about Owen in 3 parts:
1) About a month ago: Owen stands in front of my car as I put Ben's carseat in. Owen very excitedly notices something on my hood: Mom! What's that?
Me: Bird poop.
Owen: Are you sure? Maybe something from outer space came down and left that on your car!
Me: Maybe.
2) About a week later. Owen stands in front of my car as I put Ben's carseat in. Owen very excitedly notices something on my hood: Mom! The bird poop is gone! Why??
Me: It's been raining all week.
Owen: Maybe a butterfly came and ate up the bird poop.
Me: Maybe.
3) Today. In the parking lot Owen notices a car: Mom! Another Volvo!
Me: Yep. That one is even older than mom's. Do you like that Volvo or mom's Volvo better?
Owen: I like yours better.
Me: Thanks, O.
Owen: Yours had bird poop on it, and I like bird poop.
1 comment:
That's awesome!!!
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