August has kept the McManus clan very busy. Just after Owen's birthday, Richard took a week long trip to Tokyo. Then he returned to celebrate his 40th birthday at home then with a weekend trip to Seattle. Last weekend we did our first family "camping" trip (or overnight in a tent, call it what you will).
Owen's spent August enjoying his birthday gifts (and we will get you a thank you note- they are in process!!). He has also been enjoying swimming lessons- he can now do successful bobs and back floats.
Ben has gotten both his lower and upper front two teeth, so we now have a baby chomper. Watch your fingers! He's getting more mobile, still perfecting crawling but definitely getting close. He gets onto all fours, but then tries to get to a stand. He has a 2-4% hit rate in grabbing Cheerios, and didn't choke on the few that made it to his mouth.
Anyway, the next few posts are dedicated to catching up with August!
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