Saturday, June 19, 2010

san diego

Owen has wanted to visit his "home town" for a long time. Traveling logistics seem to be exponentially more difficult with Ben added to the family, but he's getting older and San Diego seemed manageable. Plus I had work to do in LA and San Diego, and bringing the family made me feel a little less guilty.

If you are reading this and we didn't call you or visit you- please know that we had good intentions. Unfortunately the trip ended a little more abruptly than expected since I had to leave after two days to go back to Virginia. We had good intentions to call you, and will be back in San Diego soon!

We spent the first day at Sea World along with a majority of the population of this country. It was packed! I do not think I've ever been in such a big parking lot and parked so far away from an entrance. Both boys love the orca show- Owen because of the orcas, Ben because of the sea gulls (ducks!) flying around. We took our tired family on a brief tour of PB afterward, visiting our old house with overgrown grass, the boardwalk and the pier.

The next day we enjoyed Lego Land. Less crowded, and Owen loved the mini-Lego cities- we spent most of the day staring at them, plus rode a couple of fun rides.

The boys stayed with their dad for a couple more days before flying back to Oregon so that they could see the San Diego Zoo. I think Owen now has some good memories of his home town to go along with all the pictures and stories he's seen and heard about San Diego.

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