Growing like a weed, Owen just passed 4' and weighs 52 pounds. His hair grows fast too- a blond and curly mop that we tame with trimmers usually not as frequently as we should. Owen's strong enough to power his bike up the driveway, and cautious enough not to ride it into the street. His favorite things are his dad, his bubba and blankie, and his Playmobile toys. He loves being a big brother, but still learning all the implications- like sharing toys and attention. He continues to ask us questions rapid fire- eager to learn everything and will remember everything he's been told. He follows his dad's preference for non-fiction- typically books about planes or outer space and rockets- but will still crack up at a good Poppleton story. He loves flying and traveling, both for the journey as well as to see his grandparents. He and Laurel have become fast friends- we feel so lucky to have a cousin living so close. He's cautiously optimistic about starting Kindergarten in September. We know he will thrive!
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