Owen and Ben's parents hit a milestone of their own at the end of September. We celebrated our 10 year wedding anniversary. Richard and I alternate years on who plans the anniversary events- I get even years so this one was mine. We spent 2 nights at a beautiful inn in Ashland, Oregon, home of the summer-long Shakespeare Festival. We had a celebration anniversary/birthday dinner at the inn followed by Twelfth Night at the outdoor Elizabethan theater. The next day we visited a spa and a park, and found time for a Scrabble tournament. We drove back home in time to have my birthday party with the boys and the Muhly's.
Where were the boys while we were off in Southern Oregon? Susie and Todd came over with Laurel to stay with them, and Laurel and Owen had their first slumber party on Friday night. All reports are that the boys did great, and we'll choose to believe them!!
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