Sunday, November 6, 2011

trick or treat

Super handsome Shuttle Commander Owen
And his fearless brother, Pilot Ben, complete with blankie
Fairy Princess Laurel and Commander Owen hit the neighborhood
A record year- both brothers and mom dressed for Halloween this year.  It was hit or miss with Ben- last minute he decided he wanted to be Mickey Mouse.  Aunt Susie's timely trip to Disneyland scored him a perfect Mickey Mouse sweatshirt and ears, Zappo's came through with yellow Croc's, and Kmart had white gloves. But Ben wasn't feeling good and changed his mind.  To doggy from last year- great it still fits!  No.  He wants to be a Tiger.  Great!  We have one of those!

Halloween morning came, Owen put on his flight suit from Aunt Pat, and Ben wanted his on too.  Done.  Two cute astronauts works for me.

My friend Tim gave me most of my Flo costume for my birthday, so I got the rest of the pieces (blue Converse, white jeans, a bump it for my hair, red lipstick, black eyeliner) and had a fun day as my chirpier alter-ego.  I think I may be Flo more then once a year- she's a blast.

Richard took the boys downtown trick-or-treating.  Ben loved it- walked the whole time- and was only scared once by a Darth Maul costume.  They came home, Ben was pooped, so Owen and I met up with Laurel and Susie and some neighborhood friends to get more loot.  Ben enjoyed handing out candy to the few kids that make it to our cul-de-sac.

Ben asked Richard that night when it's Halloween again, and Richard said Thanksgiving is next.  Ben asked if we can go to Thanksgiving, and Richard replied that actually Thanksgiving will come to us.  Ben said "ding-dong!  Hi!  Thanksgiving is here!"

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