Monday, November 12, 2012
Sunday, November 11, 2012
I would have bet you $1000 that I had a picture of Owen on the front porch on his first day of school from each year. I would have lost that bet. I cannot find the picture from 1st grade. I worry it got lost somewhere in my not organized enough digital library, or even worse... never taken.
The teacher, however, did take a picture in front of the school. So, not exactly the record I was hoping to keep, but he is awfully cute each September. The biggest change is his front teeth- from baby teeth to no teeth to his adult teeth. And his mom-done haircut... sigh. What a cutie.
school daze
Some pictures from the pre-school room, from the Zion Jog-a-thon, and from Owen's trip to the pumpkin patch with his class. Both classes went to Albany to see a shadow play in early October, and Ben's class more recently did a trip to the firehouse and to OSU for a science program. They are both learning a ton and having a blast.
The other night, Ben asked if I loved him even when I'm upset with him. I said of course, that I loved him all the time, even when I was upset. He said: wow! You are just like Jesus! He followed on that I am much larger than Jesus, however, since Jesus was small enough to fit inside his heart. At the parent teacher conference, his teacher noted that Ben is asking lots of good questions and keeping her on her toes. I can see why!
School started and we got into our new routine. Drop off is a bit easier, with both kids at one spot. They are in after school care together until Richard picks them up, and he often will find them playing together on the playground. Owen started piano lessons this year, done at school on Monday afternoons. He learns several new songs each week, and practices most nights at home. He is really catching on and enjoying learning. Most practices go on longer then we anticipate, with him going backwards in the book and playing all the songs he likes plus repeating the new songs till he has them down. He is also doing cub scouts this year, with the old gang of Cole and Evan. Richard is the leader, and has them learning knots, doing flag ceremonies, and all the other requirements to get their wolf patch. Owen's going to need to get a bit wider around since his belt is almost full of belt loops he's earned. Owen is also working towards his First Communion in Sunday school, which will happen in the spring. He has been learning many prayers and participating more in Mass. Between these activities and homework, Owen is keeping busy!
We had a beautiful September and October, with the rains mostly staying away. This meant trips to the farmers market and parks and more bike rides. For my birthday/anniversary trip this year, Richard and I took the boys to the Great Wolf Lodge in Washington. We had a fun 2 nights. Both boys enjoyed the water park. Owen most enjoyed the Wizard game, and he and Richard conquered the game before we left. Ben's favorite was the arcade, where we earned enough tickets to get some small legos.
October brought more intense discussions on what to be for Halloween, with Owen searching online and finding a magicians outfit. Since he's been keeping up with practicing his magic tricks, this was an appropriate costume for him. Ben was sure he wanted to be a pirate, until he changed his mind and switched to a boy witch, based on the witch from the Wii's Just Dance 3's "This is Halloween" song. We expected that this wasn't a final decision but prepared just in case.
Ben's class went to the Pumpkin patch early in October, a wise decision- they didn't need boots and have to walk through thick mud like we would went we went as a family later in the month. I joined the class on the hunt for pumpkins, and they ended with cider and donuts. Later the four of us returned and selected bigger pumpkins for the front porch (and got more donuts- yum). Owen's class went to a different patch- Arlie Hills- which Owen now considers "the funnest patch in the world". He liked it because there is a ginormous slide on hay bales. He and his class had a fun time despite the chilly rainy weather.
Sunday, November 4, 2012
did I say end of summer?

Oops- there was one more weekend before school started. We made a trip to the aquarium and Newport and saw all our favorites, and ended the way summer is supposed to end- two happy kids completely wiped out in the back of the van. THAT was the real end of summer, though the weather stayed nice for the rest of September, and we enjoyed trips to the farmer's market and to our parks.
Then, it came. Owen and Ben's first day of school, and at the same school for the first time. Owen started second grade this year, in Mrs. Straub's class. Ben started pre-school, with Miss Jo. The Zion principal is on Facebook this year, so I was able to download some pictures of their first day. Zion starts the school year at chapel, during which Ben got quite nervous about the new school, and we were not successful at sending him out with the rest of his class. Owen, however, is an old pro at this and walked up proudly with the rest of the second grade- most of the same group that he's been with since kindergarten- and walked to his classroom. After a bit of a rough start, Ben enjoyed carpet time with Miss Jo and has grown to enjoy preschool. He still doesn't like chapel much.
diamond lake
We had a fantastic campsite at the far end of the campground, a quick walk away from the lodge, boat rental, and camp store. We completely fill the car with stuff when we are camping, but somehow the store is still essential- this time we had forgotten syrup for the pancakes (and beer for the parents). We rented a boat both days, and brought Owen's fishing rod from Grandpa and bought a little Mickey Mouse rod and reel for Ben at the store. We also got some Power Bait, guaranteed to entice all the trout in the lake.
We had a blast out on the water, enjoying picnic lunches and following other boats to find the ideal place to catch some trout. It was hazy all weekend, with wildfires not too far away. It was also very windy, but it wasn't too bad out on the water. Both boys enjoyed trying to get a trout, but the trout must have been sick of Power Bait by August and had no interest in us. Good thing we brought hot dogs to eat at night.
Richard made great campfires for us each night, and we took turns telling semi-spooky stories- ones Owen and Ben still like to talk about and add new chapters onto. We slept great in the tent, and there was no rain so we didn't use the fly. The second night we missed putting away a snack, and the raccoons found it and had a party on our picnic table. Thankfully they didn't wake up the boys.
On the way home, we took the ski lift up Eagle Peak and enjoyed the hazy views from up top. All in all, a successful trip and a great end to a fun summer.
richards birthday, camping, and eating
Russa and Christian invited us over for our first ever lobster boil. The lobsters were quite yummy and it was a fun evening with good friends.
For Richard's birthday, we did a one night camping trip to Alsea Falls. The next morning we hiked around the falls a little and enjoyed the area. When we got back home we celebrated with gifts and pastries.
The garden continued to grow great treats- the boys enjoyed the colored carrots, and we enjoyed the zucchini relish that we canned. This was our first adventure in canning, and netted several great jars of relish for our summer hot dogs and sausages. And thus far, no botulism.
The boys enjoyed August at home, keeping up with the swimming lessons and the activities around town. Ben earned a pirates costume for going to bed at night without too much complaining- both boys were very into pirates all summer due to a Pirates of the Caribbean Wii game we got before our vacation. Owen and Richard worked at it all summer and finally were able to complete all the levels. We watched the first and fourth movies this summer, and Ben adopted a pirate accent. He is a lot more excited about sword play and fighting than Owen has ever been- will have to keep an eye on this little matey.
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