Sunday, February 9, 2014

sunny february, snowy february

What a month!  We had beautiful sunshine early on, with trips to the park and playing in the yard.  Then... Wednesday night it started snowing, and didn't stop till Friday night.  We have never had so much snow in Corvallis- we measured 16" before the freezing rain started (I would find out if it is a real record if they would deliver a newspaper...).  Owen put in lots of sledding runs down the side of our house with Laurel and Richard.  Toys were unearthed and spread all over the house.  We played and played for four days.  One good thing about the timing was that we got to enjoy watching some Olympics.  Ben made flags for the opening ceremony.  And I updated the blog!  And it melted enough to make it out today to see the Lego Movie.  No school tomorrow...

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