Sunday, July 20, 2014

weekend option #2

While the boys were camping, Susie and I flew Dad away for his birthday weekend.  It was a surprise destination- even more of a surprise for him when we landed at Oakland airport and proceeded to go to the rental cars- he assumed we were headed for Las Vegas.  We drove a Mustang convertible to Napa Valley for a 3 day trip.

On Saturday, Dad's birthday, we had a winery tour via van of 5 different smaller wineries, then snacks and wine at the hotel, and a bit of pool lounging, then birthday dinner at Cindy's Backstreet Kitchen.   Sunday we did some store browsing, then a wonderful brunch at Auberge, overlooking the valley.  Then more cruising in the convertible with the top down checking out a few more wineries and a pre-dinner burger joint.

We had perfect weather, tasted some amazing wines (and sent a few bottles home) and had a wonderful roll-out of a new decade for Dad!

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