Sunday, March 18, 2007

catching up

Since starting this thing, I have yet to invite folks to read it, and I have yet to post pictures. So I'm going to use this post to get updated.

Owen's now almost 20 months, but I haven't done much picture sharing for a while, so I wanted to send this picture from his 18 month birthday. We made cupcakes, and he had 1 and a half candles. I don't know how he learned the word cupcake, but he definitly knows it now. He's a big fan.

A couple of weeks ago we counted the number of words Owen knows, and got up to 90. He seems to learn a new word almost every day now, so we've stopped counting. When he's very excited he speaks in detailed sentences, but doesn't actually use English. I hope to record one of these rants. He's good with naming animals and animal sounds, but not as good at colors yet. He knows pink, then assumes all other colors to be green or blue.

Owen got pieces of a train set for Christmas from his relatives. The train set seems to keep expanding and has it's own room in the house. But he loves it and asks to play with it every day- he calls it "choo choo" and makes the train whistle hand motion.
He also loves playing with balls- the blue one seen in the picture is one of his favorites, as well as Richard's exercise ball and smaller bouncy ones. He often asks for "bu ball". We are still not sure what bu is.

These are 2 more of Owen's favorite things- Bubba Bear and his little pink stroller. We got Bubba in Vermont in Christmas in 2005. They've been close ever since. "Bubba" was one of Owen's first words. He pushes Bubba or any other toy around in the pink stroller- around the house or on the street. He's very cute pushing it around.

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