Owen turned 20 months this week. At his day care, I was told that he knows the names of all the kids in his class, and all the kids in the older class. They'll be transitioning him to the older class (2-3 year olds) in the next few months. He's very close with his
current teacher, so it will be tough on him. But looking at him compared to the 12 month olds, he has grown so much! He didn't even walk when we moved here 8 months ago.
It's getting sunnier and warmer here now and we are spending more time in the yard. We did some weeding last weekend- well, actually, I did SOME weeding. Richard did a LOT of weeding. Owen was an excellent helper, and held a ladybug for the first time. Now he keeps pointing to his hand and saying "bug" and "outside." Richard also had him hold a worm and a slug. Boys.
Owen's been taking his stroller out on walks in the evenings. He looks very cute pushing the pink stroller down the sidewalk.
Two other new things for the week: Owen's been drinking from a cup all week, without the sippy lid. He's quite good at it, though you have to watch him because he likes to pour out whatever he doesn't want to drink... Also, Owen now has strong opinions on what he wants to wear. Yesterday and today he vetoed the shirt we chose for him. Yesterday, Richard kept showing him shirts till he found one with frogs. Today Owen asked for his shark t-shirt while I was changing him- luckily it was clean. (He says shark, by the way, by pointing to the top of his head- his fin- and saying do-do do-do, as in the Jaws theme song.)
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