Saturday turned out to be a scorcher- over 100 degrees. We set up tables in our backyard on the porch, in the shade, along with a sprinkler and beach umbrellas. We also cleaned up the play room and the train set for the kids to have some indoor cool down activities.
Owen asked for a pinata, but opted out of filling and smashing it. After some negotiation, he let me hang it up over the table for a decoration. He wanted and helped make dozens of cupcakes- specifying chocolate with chocolate frosting and sprinkles. He asked for no candles, and no party hats.
And we all had a great time! Owen was a good host, showing his friends how to use the train set and sharing his toys. Fourteen kids came. They flew airplanes, sent the stomp rockets into the trees, and ran through the sprinkler to cool down. We all ate lots of hot dogs and cupcakes and attempted to stay cool. Our little guy really has grown up!