Ben turned six months old last week. He's well over 22 pounds- a big sturdy boy. He's sitting on his own now, and can reach for toys without falling over too often. On his belly, he'll ninja roll to get to things that were previously out of reach. He has his two bottom teeth in, and it seems like his two top ones will be here soon- he's sucking on his lower lip and biting anything he can get into his mouth. Ben started day care last week, moving up from 2 hours to 4 hours to 7. He was pretty happy there by Friday and seemed to be learning about bottles. They say he's their best napper, though I think they may be confused. Ben's very chatty and very smiley. And after a lot of effort, he DOES like to eat- applesauce, pears, prunes, blueberries, carrots, and sweet potatoes. He's not so fond of peas, but we'll keep working on it.
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