Ben is 3 weeks old. We've been trying to figure out other things Ben likes besides eating, and haven't had much success. He does sleep, but only after eating. He's not thrilled about being carried around or held for very long if there isn't food involved. His current favorite position is peeking out over your shoulder- he'll be content with that for a little while if there are some lights to look at. We tried the swing- Owen's favorite thing when he was so little- but both ours and Susie's seem to be broken (how can that be?). From our home scale, Ben was 13 pounds on Saturday.
Nights have gotten easier- Ben's sleeping in the cradle in our room. He eats every 2-4 hours, but sleeps soundly in between feeding. Owen climbs into our bed around 6 each morning, and it's kind of cozy having the four of us together, for a little bit. Owen continues to be a loving and helpful big brother, wanting to help carry Ben's car seat and rubbing his fuzzy hair. Owen's going through a kind of funny phase of calling Richard "Richard," and occasionally calls me "Aunt Barbara." We remind him of our official titles of Dad and Mom.
1 comment:
Beth and Sarah think they are so funny with the "Jeff and Carolyn". We remind them of our titles, as well.
Ben looks great! I'd say "Oh, he's getting so big!"...but I'm sure you know that!
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