Wednesday, September 7, 2011

party time!

Laurel and Maggie with Playmobile and Bunny

Andrea and Kristi chaperoning

the birthday boy

Henry on the porch

Jackson and Owen dropping parachutes

Laurel and Valerie dancing in the yard
Owen's 6th birthday party wasn't quite as elaborate as his 5th- no big top, no magician.  We figured we have enough stuff around the house that the kids would be entertained.  Lots of friends were traveling that day, but half of Owen's kindergarten class were able to come, plus the Muhly's and the Delos-Reyes'.  We also had surprise guests: Kristi, Jackson, and Henry were in Portland for a race and drove down to join the party.  We decorated the porch with a space theme (and snagged some awesome space shuttle napkins!).  I wasn't completely on my game- the cupcakes were dinosaurs- but they were delicious.  The kids had a great time playing on the swing set, with the trains and in the sprinklers, and it was a really fun, low key day.  Plus, any day we get to spend with Kristi and the boys is extra special!

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