Birthday morning, my 6 year old helps decorate the cupcakes |
and we come in for an assist with the candles |
Ben waited all day for a cupcake. He is not patient when it comes to treats. |
My beautiful 6 year old! |
after dinner magic show and music |
The Outstanding Owen |
Owen woke up a six year old, and put on his pj's prior to helping me ice the cupcakes. I'm glad he put on his clothes without me having to mention it. Last year after his "sleep in your birthday suit on your birthday" night he wanted to spend breakfast naked too. I wasn't going to fight him on his birthday morning, but decorating cupcakes naked did seem a little yucky.
Owen had a fun birthday, first celebrating at his summer program, then came home to presents, pizza dinner (the first time he hasn't chosen spaghetti and meatballs since his first birthday), and cake with Susie's and Russa's families.
Owen at 6 is not much different then
Owen at 5, still tall for his age and growing seemingly each minute in height and strength. He wants to learn everything about everything and then teach it back to you. His favorite toy right now is one from his birthday- an electrical circuit set, from which today he built a radio and it played all afternoon. He keeps working on his magic tricks, and despite being incredibly shy around new people, he loves to perform. He and Laurel are fast friends, making up interesting shows for us to watch. He and Ben are true brothers- Ben most enjoys wrestling Owen to the ground, and Owen enjoys the attention. Owen has been reading books to Ben, which is great for both of them. Owen enjoys biking more then ever, now without his training wheels, going with Richard around the neighborhood and this weekend all the way to Philomath. He loves Elvis music, just like his dad, and has some good Elvis moves. We have Lego kits- and even more post birthday- in every corner of the house which he has become quite independent with building. He also still enjoys rocket launches- both the stomp and the balloon kind- in the front yard, keeping us running around in the neighbor's yards to find and return. Obviously he loves camping, and is already planning next year's garden. He's toothless- one of the front ones seems like it will burst through the gum any day now.
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