Sunday, December 8, 2013

back to school

Owen started 3rd grade this year, in Mrs. McNamer's class at Zion.  He's with the same kids that he's been with since kindergarten, a close knit group of ten.  He still is very close to Sophie, which whom he shares an interest in space and rockets, and Isaac, which whom he shares an interest in being silly.  Third grade has proven to be a good year for Owen- he has been working very hard and acing his spelling tests and his timed math quizzes and loving science.

Ben started pre-K in Mrs. Swanson's class.  His close friend Sterling is in his class, and they have been playing with Oliver and occasionally some of the girls.  One of the girls he may or may not be engaged to, depending on the day. Ben's loving learning how to read and all the activities in his class.  Ben played AYSO U-5 soccer this year, which was 30 minutes of skills practice and 30 min of mini games.  He had varying interest in it and varying level of participation, but mostly it was a positive experience.  He is continuing soccer weekly at school.

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